Saturday, December 24, 2011

Just for Fun

I have been making it a point to photograph all the little things.  During the big events, I am too busy juggling a squirmy baby, camera, camera bag, diaper bag, purse, winter coats....blah blah blah, that I don't actually get "good" shots.  I get the point-and-click-at-least-I-got-it shot.  Not the ones that you want to really revisit.  On my personal blog, I talked about focusing on the important things.  And what is more important the our Heavenly Father and our families...I can't think of anything.  And I posted tips on this one for getting better photos of your kids.  So I thought that maybe it was time to live by those rules.  My kids were playing the other day and I wanted to play with the ISO on my new camera.  I've had the camera for about six months, but haven't had time to really play with it.  That's just what I did.  I pumped the ISO up to 2000 and shot at 1.8 because I LOVE shallow depth of field more than anything!  And here are a few of the shots that I got.

My oldest daughter loves to play dress up.  Most times she's a hero in a pink breast cancer awareness cape, but other times she wants to be a princess.  This day, she wanted to a princess.  This crown is falling apart and needs to be tossed, but she still sports it like a true princess.

My youngest daughter got pelted in the face with one of those weeble wobble heavy little toys, curtsey of her sister. So she still has a little dried blood in her nose. I didn't realize that babies could bleed or cry that hard and then be fine 20 minutes later.  Blew my mind. 

She used to have the same eye color as her younger sister.  But over the last year they have started to turn more green.  I have blue eyes and my hubby has the most piercing green eyes that I have ever seen.  Everyone we know say that she is a perfect mix of the two of us and now her eyes are too, I guess.

I am super excited about getting good photos tomorrow during Christmas!  Paper and ribbons flying!

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